Our curated collection of resources is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools to exceed buyer expectations and create impactful value-driven interactions. Explore the resources below to elevate your capabilities and take your value readiness to the next level:
Dive deeper into value-driven strategies with our recommended reads, authored by ValuePros, industry leaders and experts in going to market with value.
Tune in to thought-provoking conversations with experts in value, business growth, and sales excellence, offering insights and inspiration for your journey.
An interactive tool to help you communicate and quantify the benefits of bringing a value-based approach to sales and marketing to your organization. It also sets a standard for what an interactive value calculator should be. Hint: It's not a black box and dynamically produces a customer-specific custom case for change.
Evaluate your current capabilities to deliver value across each critical buyer touchpoint with our Value Ready Assessment and discover areas to focus on to become a trusted partner to your clients.
Ensure your value narrative and point of view resonates with your audience. Our Narrative Assessment helps you refine and align your messaging to what matters most to your buyers.
Access our library of AI prompts to assist you in preparation, research, and improving buyer engagement across each critical touchpoint. Leverage AI to be more productive and effective in your value-selling efforts.
Let’s have a conversation.
Find out if the ValuePros team is a good fit for your value-ready initiative by scheduling a free 30-minute conversation.